Friday, May 13, 2011

Niki Cheong - Discover Scuba Diving

After seeing Dennis Lau conquering his fear of height, I decided that I should conquer mine too. The opportunity came when Niki Cheong decided to discover scuba diving with RedRibbon Days in lieu with World Environment Day.

Thanks to RedRibbon Days, I had a taste of what scuba diving feels like. The experience falls on Friday the 13th and Sherin decided it will spice things up by threwing a fake snake while Niki was underwater.

Check out the video below:

Niki is an extremely attentive student - he did not even notice the snake!

I had a great time and am thankful that I could experience breathing in water. Still have some fear for water but I am glad I did this experience. Thank you RedRibbon Days!

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