Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hansen Lee - Aston Martin Driving Experience

The Aston Martin driving Experience at RedRibbon Days that we have is only available in Singapore. When Hansen Lee contacted RedRibbon Days and selected the Aston Martin experience as the experience that he wanted to do for "Reduce Your Carbon Footprint, experience it Locally" campaign, I was extremely excited. After all, this experience is to create awareness to the public to do an experience that you want to do overseas - but do it locally, we have to look for someone who does not mind to lend us their Aston Martin.

I am not only a Belieber but also a believer in "The Secret". According to the Secret, "Everything is Possible, Nothing is Impossible". So, as expected, we managed to get not 1 but 2 Aston Martins - 1 Aston Martin DB9 and 1 Aston Martin Rapide (The only one in Malaysia currently).

Check out the video from this experience (below):

Thanks to RedRibbon Days, I am the lucky person who experienced being driver by Hansen Lee in not 1 but 2 Aston Martins. Like what Hansen said, the car is the ultimate driving machine - Zero to 200kmph in seconds.

I dont think the car has been driven that fast before - so the DB9 is like a virgin, accelerated so quickly for the very first time. The engine sound is amazing! Experiencing the Aston Martin DB9 making that sound when the speedometer indicates 200km/h is priceless! For everything else, there is RedRibbon Days!

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