Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Carmen Soo - Pilot for a Day to Bernam River

"Experience of a lifetime" - That is how Carmen Soo described her experience as a Pilot / Cook / Driver at RedRibbon Days.

Carmen Soo decided to do Pilot for a Day to Bernam River experience for 'Reduce Your Carbon Foot Print, Experience it Locally' campaign in lieu with World Environment Day.

Although I felt very blessed to be a passenger in Captain Carmen's plane with my good friend Joe, I couldnt stop myself from being scared. Although I would deny that I was scared in the plane, it is pretty evident from the pictures below: (That picture was taken going to Bernam)
Picture below was taken coming back from Bernam:
Yup, no difference, whether it was going to Bernam or coming back to KL, I was still scared. To my defense, accoring to Captain Andreas, the flight gets more bumpy / more turbulence the later the day is. That's the reason most Pilot for a Day experience is done early in the morning.

Another video that never fail to make me smile. Carmen is very cute and sporting. Check out the video below :

I am sure many of Carmen's fans envy me - I had the opportunity to be a passenger in Captain Carmen's plane, ate her cooking and be a passenger in the Land Rover driven by Carmen. The experience - PRICELESS. For everything else (other memorable experiences), there is RedRibbon Days!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lina Teoh - ATV Waterfall Adventure

On the 23rd May, Lina Teoh experienced ATV Waterfall Adventure with RedRibbon Days in lieu with World Environment Day. I was counting the days to do the experience - I have done ATV Waterfall Adventure with my friends before and I enjoyed it so much I couldnt wait to do it again.

The trails were muddy and slippery because it rained the day before makes it more exciting for Lina (Lina loves adrenaline pumping activities).

Lina is so daring that she went into the waterfall. I am a self proclaimed adventure junkie but the thought of leeches stopped me from even putting my hands in the water.

I lost count how many times I watched this video. It never fails to make me smile and I know it will make you smile too. Very interesting.

Check the video out below:

Next up, Lina plans to do this experience.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Yasmin Yusuff - Glide with Segway

Dato' Yasmin Yusuff decided to glide with segway at lake gardens with RedRibbon Days for Reduce Your Carbon Footprint, Experience it Locally Campaign in lieu with World Environment Day.

During the experience, it rained a little but that did not dampen dampen her spirit at all; in fact, she was enthusiastically riding in the rain!

CUTEEEE!!! Watch the video and you will agree with me - very few people look good in a helmet and Yasmin looks absolutely stunning in a helmet!

Check out the video below:

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Freda Liu and Jude - Helicopter KL Sky Tour

On the 19th May, Freda Liu and her adorable son, Jude decided to do an experience with RedRibbon Days in lieu with World Environment Day. Although Jude is only 9, he wanted to be involved in "Reduce Your Carbon Footprint, Experience it Locally" for the environment.

Jude always wanted to experience being in a helicopter - and never imagined that he would actually fly his mum, Freda in a helicopter.

During the experience, it started raining - making the experience more exciting. But Captain Jude was calm and he did a fantastic job!

Check out the experience below:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Elaine Day - Tandem Paragliding

On the 17th May, Elaine Daly decided to do her experience - Tandem Paragliding in lieu with World Environment Day with RedRibbon Days.

I was extremely excited to video Elaine's experience - not only it is my first time doing tandem paragliding, I need to hold the video camera tightly. The weather was perfect for the experience that day. I was quite surprised because when we arrived, Sherin was the first that got strapped into the paragliding harness and up she goes! I guess after seeing Niki and Dennis face their fear, it is Sherin's turn to overcome her fear of height.

The view from 600 feet above ground is breathtaking!

Elaine is really a daredevil - she did the experience not once but TWICE!

Check out Elaine Daly doing the experience below:

We were so lucky because the weather was great and when we were on our way back to KL, it started pouring!

Although I only went for one ride, I was extremely tired. I slept like a baby coming back to KL from Banting. Nik slept like a baby too, not sure why she was tired since she didnt do the experience. Haha!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Jojo Struys - Discover Shooting

I had the pleasure to meet Jojo Struys on the 16th May to do her chosen experience in lieu with World Environment Day - Discover Target Shooting. Jojo is indeed a fast learner and is a sharp shooter as well - considering it was her first time shooting.

Check out her video doing the experience below:

One thing I learn from this experience, never let Sherin get her hands on a gun or she will never want to leave the shooting range. During the experience, I suddenly had a flash back - my paintball experience with Sherin and few friends and my bruises that took months to disappear! After that paintball experience, I told myself to never walk in a paintball field if Sherin is on the other team. Imagine this - Sherin is so accurate that the pallet she shoots can enter my ears - and yes I was wearing a mask!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Niki Cheong - Discover Scuba Diving

After seeing Dennis Lau conquering his fear of height, I decided that I should conquer mine too. The opportunity came when Niki Cheong decided to discover scuba diving with RedRibbon Days in lieu with World Environment Day.

Thanks to RedRibbon Days, I had a taste of what scuba diving feels like. The experience falls on Friday the 13th and Sherin decided it will spice things up by threwing a fake snake while Niki was underwater.

Check out the video below:

Niki is an extremely attentive student - he did not even notice the snake!

I had a great time and am thankful that I could experience breathing in water. Still have some fear for water but I am glad I did this experience. Thank you RedRibbon Days!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Amber Chia - Discover Archery

Born in Ipoh but grew up in Tawau - Gosh! Just realised that Amber Chia and I are so alike. Okay, maybe only the fact that we were both born in Ipoh and grew up in Tawau. That's probably the only similarities - I wish I had some of her height! sob! sob! She's probably twice my height! Haha!

Well, enough about me, more on Amber! Amber Chia was our fifth celebrity that was involved in "Reduce your carbon footprint, experience it locally" initiative with RedRibbon Days. Amber always wanted to learn archery so she was extremely excited to test her shooting skills on the 11th May.

Check out her video below:

Amber can really aim and shoot! Although it was her first time, she is really good at it. It was a fun experience. We all had a blast.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dennis Lau - Flying Fox with Violin

I am impressed with people who face their fear and try to overcome it. Dennis Lau not only decided to do flying fox for "Reduce your carbon footprint, experience it locally" campaign with RedRibbon Days but challenged himself by playing his violin while zipping down the lines!! And yes, Dennis Lau has Acrophobia!

The video is amazing thanks to Joe's sophisticated camera that was strapped on Dennis's violin ! Check it out below:

After seeing Dennis doing the experience not once but three times, I knew that he no longer has fear of heights.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hansen Lee - Aston Martin Driving Experience

The Aston Martin driving Experience at RedRibbon Days that we have is only available in Singapore. When Hansen Lee contacted RedRibbon Days and selected the Aston Martin experience as the experience that he wanted to do for "Reduce Your Carbon Footprint, experience it Locally" campaign, I was extremely excited. After all, this experience is to create awareness to the public to do an experience that you want to do overseas - but do it locally, we have to look for someone who does not mind to lend us their Aston Martin.

I am not only a Belieber but also a believer in "The Secret". According to the Secret, "Everything is Possible, Nothing is Impossible". So, as expected, we managed to get not 1 but 2 Aston Martins - 1 Aston Martin DB9 and 1 Aston Martin Rapide (The only one in Malaysia currently).

Check out the video from this experience (below):

Thanks to RedRibbon Days, I am the lucky person who experienced being driver by Hansen Lee in not 1 but 2 Aston Martins. Like what Hansen said, the car is the ultimate driving machine - Zero to 200kmph in seconds.

I dont think the car has been driven that fast before - so the DB9 is like a virgin, accelerated so quickly for the very first time. The engine sound is amazing! Experiencing the Aston Martin DB9 making that sound when the speedometer indicates 200km/h is priceless! For everything else, there is RedRibbon Days!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Daphne Iking - Make Your Own Macaroons

Our second celebrity that was involved in "Reduce Your Carbon Footprint, Experience it Locally" initivative in lieu with World Environment Day is the Gorgeous, Charismatic, Beautiful Daphne Iking!

Daphne learnt how to bake macaroons with RedRibbon Days' CEO Sherin Wong. on the 2nd May.

This experience with Daphne, Sherin and Joe is definitely one of my favourite experience. It's the experience of experiencing with the people that makes it fun. Does that make sense? Haha!

Check out the video from this experience (below):

I, personally prefer adrenaline pumping activities and baking / cooking is never an experience in my list. The reason baking is never in my list is because the only thing I can cook is fry eggs and instant noodle. For many people, cooking is an excellent therapeutic activity but certainly not for me. However, eating fresh from the oven macaroons baked by Daphne and Sherin is PRICELESS.

I'm sure a lot of Daphne's fans out there envy me - for some experience money cant buy, For everything else there is RedRibbon Days (innovated from MasterCard's slogan)

This campaign will not be a success without Daphne's help.
From the bottom of my heart, Thank You Thank you Thank you!