Recently I posted a picture up on my twitter saying "Gong Xi Fa Cai". I know CNY never falls in July but seeing how RED the team was, reminds me of CNY. Below is the photo that I posted up on twitter :
See how Red is the Team. It's like during Chinese New Year.
Another picture of the team (below):
RED Balloons, Red tie, Red Tops - absolutely beautiful. Oh btw, RED is our founder Sherin Wong's favourite colour - Basically RED, BLACK and WHITE are Sherin's favourite colours. Notice those are the colours of our RedRibbon Days logo?
At RedRibbon Days, we pride ourselves to be the one stop centre for your gift experience. We not only customise experiences into gifts but we take care of the buying process, the activation process,
the booking process, the exchange process, the voucher extension process - all you have to do is to just appear of the day and enjoy the experience - we take care of everything. We even take care of getting your feedback to make sure you enjoyed yourself after doing an experience.
RedRibbon Days takes care of the whole process and when we say something, we will definitely deliver it. We deliver everything we promise.
And because we pride ourselves for delivering everything we promise and remember I mentioned about my tweet: "Gong Xi Fa Cai" in July. We decided to make sure it really feels like Chinese New Year! (below)

At RedRibbon Days, we deliver things or experience that looks impossible. Even bringing the CNY feeling in JULY!
If you have been following my tweets, you will know that RedRibbon Days is blessed with a team of Think outside the box, go beyond the call of duty, smart and very good looking people. If you havent followed my tweet, please follow me @MingNERRD . hahaha! Using my blog to self promote. haha! Talk to me and I will follow back :)
At RedRibbon Days, we continue to upgrade our website to make it as user friendly as possible. One very good suggestion from Nora, to implement a live chat on our website. The idea is so good that we executed it immediately.
The team all worked together to test the software to make sure it is perfect before we put it live on our website.
Everyone at RedRibbon Days worked together to test the software. Erm, we were supposed to talk to each other but Shiva decided that she will be the Pleasure Team Consultant and the customer at the same time.
Shiva started talking to herself and started laughing that Penny decided to go to her workstation to see what Shiva was doing. And suddenly, the both laughed out loud (below).
Okay, I am not sure what Shiva was talking to herself about. It definitely looks funny or dirty.
Above is the snap shot of Shiva talking to herself.
After putting the live chat live on RedRibbon Days, the respond was amazing. Fantastic tool for customers who are overseas and customers who prefers to enquire online and get an immediate response from us.
I know I always say this but because I feel blessed and thankful, let me say it again. I am thankful and blessed that we have such a fantastic team and really, if it's not because of their brilliant suggestions, it will be quite difficult for us to continue to improve.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!