RedRibbon Days was founded in 2007 by Sherin Wong. In short, RedRibbon Days is a gifting company specialised in experiential gifting. Currently we have almost a thousand experiences in our website!
I am fortunate to have experienced quite a lot of the experiences that we have. My favourites would be Pilot for a Day, ATV Waterfall Adventure, Aston Martin for a Day, Foot Reflexology to name a few. However, I have not experienced 'The Raymond Experience'.
Shiva has experienced 'The Raymond Experience' and yes, she is a very satisfied customer. (below).
Can you see Shiva's satisfied smile? The Raymond Experience can be customised, although his main focus is in IT, we can customise according to your needs. In Shiva's case, The Raymond Experience entitles her to spend time with Raymond satisfying her needs - her needs to help her with her computer and internet problems.
When the experience is over, Raymond makes sure that Shiva does not have any problems with her computer. He will stay back for a while and let Shiva check and see if everything is okay (below).
Claudine has experienced the Raymond Experience. However her experience is not related to IT. It's related to cars. The Raymond Experience that Claudine experienced, entitled her to spend time with Raymond while he changes her car tyre! (below)

We at RedRibbon Days believe that it is important that our customers are happy, regardless of the type of experience you purchase from us. Our CEO takes every feedback seriously. Since the Raymond Experience is such a customised and new experience, Sherin was there to ensure everything went smoothly and got Claudine's feedback on the spot. (below)
Another satisfied customer!
At RedRibbon Days, we make it a point to experience all the experiences that we offer on our website. And we love experiencing an experience together. On the 25th October 2010, Sherin decided that we should have dinner with the whole team to celebrate our past achievements, present and future achievements! We had it at one of our favourite restaurant, Vincenzo. We also celebrated Shiva's 1 year anniversary as a Pleasure Team Consultant with RedRibbon Days and the fact that our new website is finally up.
Few days before, I overheard a conversation between Shiva and Theing.
Shiva: Wah Adik, I think it's time for us to wear the same colour.
Theing: Okay, we shall wear the same colour on the 25th October 2010. What colour will should we wear?
Shiva: Turqouise - my favourite colour.
Theing: Aiyah, but I got no turqouise colour baju. Okay, maybe I will go shopping during the weekend to get myself a turqouise baju.
Shiva: Yes, you should. If we sit facing each other, the plastic screen at our work station can pass off as a miror.
Shiva and Theing started laughing.
I wasnt sure what Shiva meant when she said " the plastic screen at our work station can pass off as a mirror" until I saw it. (below)
They were trying make a mirror image reflection of themselves by wearing the same colour. Although Theing is right-handed, she kept talking on the phone with her left hand that day.
Come dinner time, we left for Vincenzo. Theing and Shiva decided to go to Vincenzo together. From far they were walking beside each other (below)

But when they notice that I was taking photos, they decided to act like strangers.
Hoping that people at Vincenzo do not realise that they are wearing the same colour.