In my previous post, I showed you a picture of how Nik and Sherin look like in 50 years time. I know that they will be best friends forever, after all, we have seen the picture of them in 50 years time - still best friends.
I guess it is hard not to be close to someone that is so like you. After all, birds of the same feather flock together.
Close friends usually have nicks for each other. Nik's nickname is 'ayam'. Below is the conversation of Sherin and Nik.
As you can see from the picture above, Nik prefers to be called Itik (duck) instead. After all she quacked when Sherin called her.
Sherin and Nik loves doing this every other day. They love wasting water - using mineral water to water the plants. Picture below shows Nik watering the plants in the meeting room and yes, she is talking to the plant.

Wait, I think she was singing to the plants.

And Sherin does the same thing (below). No, not the singing and talking to the plants part. Nik is the only one who gives the plants that kind of attention.

Sherin is so happy that she watered the plants that she is actually glowing (below)
Okay, the truth is, Sherin and Nik do not waste bottled water on the plants. The water that they used for the plants is tap water. The real culprit that actually wastes water everyday is me!

That's right, I drink 3 bottles a day!
It was on Monday morning (30th August 2010) that RedRibbon Days got invited to NTV7 for an interview. Nik, Sherin and I promised to meet each other at 7am at our office. When Sherin and I arrived the office, we heard loud banging near our pantry. Sherin and I thought Nik was making coffee.
As we walked in the office, we heard Nik shouting for help. She forgotten to bring her access card when she went to the toilet (our toilet is behind our pantry and we need an access card to enter the office from the toilet). We opened the door and I could see the relieve in Nik's face. She said she has been banging the door for at least 10minutes. She didnt bring her phone, she was so worried that we will be waiting for her at the lobby and not come up to the office. If we didnt come up to the office and unable to get her on the phone, we will think that she left for Sri Pentas herself. So, she will have to wait until 9am when the rest comes to work.
When I opened the door, Nik said "Lucky you guys came up, or else I would be stucked here for hours."
So I asked Nik "Why did you go to the toilet without bringing your access card?"
Nik said "I sakit perut (stomach ache), so I rushed to the toilet. But when the door closed behind me and I realised that I didnt bring my access card, my "Sh*t" shot back up"
Then we left for Sri Pentas and everything was fine.
Took a photo of Nik while we were going to Sri Pentas (below)
Focus closely and I realised that Nik only brings her access card when she is out of the office. No wonder she got locked out when she went to the toilet. A picture of Nik with her access card (below)
Okay, you must be thinking why did I name the title of this blog "Best Friends Forever"? The first part of this blog is not related to this blog. It's just to make fun of Nik.
This is the second part.
A picture of the best friends (below):
Nik and Sherin has been best friends since at Melbourne Uni. The took the same course together, party together.. they did everything together. Why did I suddenly wanted to write about both of them? Well, I'm no psychic but I know they will be best friends for ever.
This morning when I had breakfast at Bangsar, I had a glimpse of their future. I saw these 2 old ladies (around 70 years old) having breakfast at Bangsar. It's really sweet how they came for breakfast together and they left together. I wanted to take a picture of them but I didnt want to make it too obvious. I managed to take their photo when they were leaving after breakfast (below)

The driver is definitely Nik in 50 years time and the passenger is definitely Sherin! Focus on the picture above and you can see forgetful Nik left her slippers outside her car. Now rewind 50 years back when Nik forgotten her access card when going to the toilet. The slippers was outside her car for at least 5 minutes before Sherin (the one in the passenger seat) reminded her about her slippers.
Well, I think good friends are hard to find and it's really good to see that Nik and Sherin are still best friends even in 50 years time!
Congratulations to RedRibbon Days for expanding its team! We decided to add a new addition to our team as she is so persistent in being a part of RedRibbon Days!
I was so amazed by her persistence. Yes, it's true, we are expanding our team in the next few months. We came out with our expansion plan but not so immediate. Our new team member wanted to join us so much she calls us everyday. Okay, actually only calling Theing. There was once she called and talked to Theing so long that Theing wanted to faint. She kept asking about when the position will be open, how is our company culture, everything about our company because she is so interested to join us. Below is a picture of Theing talking to our new team member:
Our new team member can call Theing at least 5 times a day? Somedays maybe 8-10 times a day? Everytime after 6.30pm (we finish work at 6.30pm) when the phone rings, Theing knows that it will be her calling. A picture of Theing below after 6.30pm when the phone rings:
I think on average they can talk for at least 30minutes. Below is a picture of Theing's red ears:
Poor Theing, when her ear hurts, Shiva the big sister (Shiva calls Theing, Adik, so I'm assuming Theing calls Shiva Kakak?) will come to her rescue and help her. A photo of Shiva making Theing feels better (below):
Okay, I remember Adik telling Kakak that her ear hurts. Why is Shiva putting eye drop on her eyes instead? Okay you know how ENT (Ear Nose and Throat) is connected. Maybe Theing's eye is connected to her ears too?
My apologies for not introducing our new team member earlier. Welcome Sy to our team! A picture of our team member, Sy!
We are glad you decided to join our team!